“Aux Loges Les Dames”, first excerpt of “Jehanne”, to be released on April 29th !
“As Jehanne is a concept album, choosing which song to unveil first was not an easy decision to make. Although the album was designed to be experienced as a whole, we thought that its opening track, “Aux Loges Les Dames”, would be the best possible introduction!
Lyrically, the song takes place at the beginning of the story, its title referring to one of the exact spots where Jehanne heard ‘her voices’ exhorting her to battle. Musically, this song builds a bridge between the previous album and the new one, and sets the mood for the journey to come. Tout est vôtre et y entrez!”
1- Aux Loges Des Dames
2- Par Ce Coeur Les Lys Fleurissent
3- La Chevauchee De La Loire
4- Dieu En Soit Garde
5- Foi En Ses Murs Jusqu’aux Rats
6- Battue Par Les Flots Jamais Ne Sombre
7- Tres Fidele Au Roi Et Au Trone
8- Aux Marches De Lorraine